Hi, friends! I’m SO excited to welcome a fellow photographer friend and my client, Brittnie Renee, to the blog today to share a guest post for all of you photographers who are wearing all the hats in your lives, both business and personal. She’s created an all-in-one life and business planner called Capture the Chaos, and it’s one of my favorite tools to help me stay organized! I know you’ll love learning from Brittnie and reading about her vision for the Capture the Chaos planner.

Imagine this: Simone, a wedding and family photographer, is in the middle of the fall busy season. Her Saturdays are busy photographing weddings, her weekday evenings are packed with outdoor family sessions, and she’s juggling editing, client inquiries, and social media posts every moment in between.
On top of that, her kids’ soccer games and school events are filling her calendar, making it feel like she’s constantly running in different directions.
One day while she’s scrambling to pack lunches for her kids, she’s staring at her chaotic to-do list that’s scrawled across sticky notes posted on her fridge, a half-filled calendar on the counter, and dinging reminders on her phone to do this and that.
Simone knows that she needs a better system to keep track of all of the moving parts of her photography business and her life, but nothing seems to keep everything in one place. She feels like she’s always behind and isn’t sure how much longer she can try and balance her passion for photography with the realities of raising busy kids and managing a home.
Enter: The Capture the Chaos all-in-one life and business planner.
Designed specifically for photographers like her, Simone finally has a place to keep track of her clients, organize her editing schedule, and plan out her marketing content, while also keeping family commitments, personal goals, and even her self-care on track.
If Simone’s story feels all too familiar, it doesn’t have to be that way! I created the Capture the Chaos planner to help you take control of your business and your life in one (beautiful) spot.
Part workbook and part planner, the Capture The Chaos 12-Month Planner was created to help you embrace the messy in-between of living your life and running your business without the guilt of what you should be doing.
Here are a few of my favorite layouts inside the planner to support you in your routines at home and in managing your photography business, too:
✨ Brainstorming pages for content topics, setting your monthly marketing focus, and planning out your blog content
✨ Daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning checklists and a Weekly Reset grid to help you focus on what matters most
✨ Daily layouts to set your top three priorities to tackle each day at work or at home, with plenty of white space to add in appointments, reminders, and other to-dos
✨ A website and SEO checklist, client project trackers, and vendor contact information in a dedicated spot of its own, yet right alongside your kids’ sports schedules, date nights with your partner, and family vacations.

If you’re anything like me, life can feel crazy and hectic, yet filled with beautiful moments that we as mamas, wives, and business owners don’t want to miss.
What if you were capable of building a life and a business that allow you to live this multi-passionate, wearing-all-the-hats life that you’re called to?
I may have created this planner, but I’ll never claim to have it all figured out. What I have accomplished is learning techniques to plan my time and build rhythms that work for my life and my business, and these practices have made that mythical word “balance” feel so much more attainable for me.
If you want that for yourself, too, take a peek at the Capture the Chaos planner. Click here to check it out and select your cover design, and don’t forget to use the code WHITNEY15 to save at checkout!