Hey y’all! So excited to announce that we will be welcoming baby Ford #3 to our family. This pregnancy has made me feel pretty sick the last few months. I’ve been a little MIA on social and on the blog, but I’m seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Now that the cats out of the bag I feel so relieved to just shout it from the rooftops.
Finding out
We were headed home from the Polar Express in Williams AZ and I just had a feeling. It was a crazy day because we were hosting Christmas at our home for the first time, and had 8 family members flying+driving in. As soon as we pulled in I took a test and it was positive…so I took two more to be sure.
We decided to announce to our family in town at Christmas since I had never gotten to tell my parents in person about our first two babies. I made an ornament and hung it on the tree…no one spotted it for 24 hours… my tree is all neutral colors so I added a big red bow to draw the eye to it… another day goes by, I add another ornament with black writing so now there are two. At this point, my brother and his wife both noticed and were hopeful that my parents and grandparents would see it. Christmas eve, Christmas morning and day had gone and everyone was heading home so we had my grandparents pose with us for a photo and hand my grandma the ornament (still no one noticed haha!) So we just had to blurt it out.
None the less everyone was excited.

Big Brother & Sister
I think Taylor and I were most excited to tell our kiddos! Tatum is 3.5 and has seen a lot of his buddies become big siblings recently so he really gets it. Kennedy was born when Tate was 23 months so he was super young last time and didnt fully understand. Kennedy is 21 months, and much more verbal at this age than Tate was, so it seems like she grasps it. She’s also obsessed with babies, so we know she will be great at her role of big sister.
Both kids were elated, they both claim to have babies in their tummies too! Tatum is insisting that the baby is a girl, and that we name her Skye. (After his favorite paw patrol character haha.)
They have already started putting baby dolls in strollers, shopping carts and cribs and taking very good care of them! So I have no doubt this new baby will get plenty of love and attention.

Our pregnancy announcement with Kennedy!
Baby Ford #3
This sweet babe is due August 27th, 2020! We found out the gender of both our kids at 15 weeks and since we have a boy and a girl we are going to be surprised in the delivery room!! It’s super unlike my personality to be surprised but I’m actually kind of excited to mix it up this time!
Pregnancy Announcement
Have you ever had something be right in front of you and totally just miss it over and over again? I was brainstorming pregnancy announcement ideas for baby #3 and I wanted something unique, and something that incorporated the kids. Initially, since we were announcing near Valentine’s Day we were going to go with a v-day themed pregnancy announcement but nothing was speaking to me. All of the sudden the thought popped into my mind to reuse the 3 ballon mosaic I had made for Tate’s 3rd birthday party! I didn’t want it to feel cheesy so I chose gold and white balloons, opted to shoot in the beautiful desert landscape and selected some moody neutrals for our outfits. As usual I dressed myself first (wanna know why?) Check out my blog about how to select outfits for family photos here!

Despite the kids being very reluctant and having to bribe them with copious amounts of candy, I absolutely love how these turned out! I’m so happy we chose to all be in the photos as a way of remembering this special season of life! Thank you Kenna Waite Photography for capturing these!
Outfit Inspo
Dress – I got this dress from a local vendor Dandi Clothing check out their cute shop online
Boots – My actual favorite boots from Target! I have them in two colors and wear them nonstop
Ribbed cream ruffle onesie – Amazon
Corduroy overall dress – Old Navy Last season here is a similar option, and a cute corduroy skirt, great Amazon option
Socks – Amazon
Brown Boots – The Humble Soles
Black shirt – Amazon
Jeans – Zara
Tan Old Navy sweater (last season) here is something similar
Brown Boots
Did you do a fun pregnancy announcement? I’d love to see it! Share in the comments below or find me on the gram @whitneyirene